Nobody sets out to make a bad first impression, but did your website get the memo? Here are 5 Reasons Why a website revamp might need to be top of your to-do list...
#1. Your website's design is looking a little vintage! When it comes to designing websites, modern solutions really matter. Why? Because chances are a potential new customer will visit your website long before they ever visit you in person. So, if you're running a site that's built on outdated and inadequate design elements, the perception of your business and brand will be shaped accordingly. What you need, therefore, is a clean, modern and visually appealing design that's instantly engaging, establishes trust and creates that all important right first impression about your business, brand, and the quality of your products and services.
#2. Your website's content is out of date. Alongside a great design, your website also needs to deliver up-to-date information that's relevant and of value to your customers. Here, adding a blog is one of the simplest and easiest ways to keep your site fresh with new and valuable content - especially if your home, product and service pages won't benefit from or require frequent change. A blog allows you to repeatedly create content related to your area of expertise, build trust with both prospective and existing customers, as well as improve your online visibility. Check out our dedicated post on the value of blogging here.
#3. Your website delivers a poor user experience. If your customers are finding it difficult to navigate your site and find the information they're looking for, you shouldn't be surprised if they dip out and start looking for answers elsewhere - such as with your competitors! Providing a great user experience that encourages customers to return time and time again typically involves simplifying your site's navigation, making sure that your content is easy to read and understand, and providing clear "calls to action" that stand out prominently on the page. It's all about bringing the customer to the center of your thinking, and ensuring that your site is as easy for them to understand as it is as simple and intuitive for them to use.
#4. Your website isn't optimised for different devices. From smartphones and tablets to desktops and laptops, customers nowadays can access your website in a variety of ways. By adopting a modern and responsive design, you can enhance the user's experience by ensuring that your site adapts to whichever device they're using. This can also help you to improve your search engine rankings, as Google and the like prioritise websites that are mobile-friendly and offer a seamless browsing experience across all devices.
#5. Your website is slow to load. In today's fast-paced world, users expect websites to load almost instantaneously regardless of whether they’re browsing on their phone or desktop. Indeed, studies have shown that your site has around three seconds for the images and text to slot into place, before users click away. Redesigning your website with speed and performance in mind (which typically involves optimising images and code), will help you to give visitors the information they want, fast.
To sum up, a website revamp is not just an opportunity to freshen up your online presence; it's an investment in the growth and success of your business. By addressing issues like outdated design and content, poor user experience, mobile responsiveness and slow loading speed, you can create a site that not only helps to attract visitors but also engages and converts them into customers. If you're interested in learning more or need help revamping your website, please get in touch using the form below.